College of Ag - Nutrition and Food Science - Elissa Olson Scholarship

The Elissa Olson Dietetics Scholarship in the Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture was created to provide scholarship support for Food Science and Nutrition students with the selection criteria noted below.

Scholarship Amount: $950

Scholarship Criteria:
1. College: Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture.
2. Department: Nutrition and Food Science
3. Major(s): Food Science and Technology, Nutrition.
4. Entering and continuing students.
5. All Undergraduate class levels.
6. Must be enrolled in 6.0+ units at time of disbursement.
7. Minimum CPP 2.5 GPA (or higher) or Cumulative 2.5 GPA (or higher).
Entering Freshmen, High School GPA 2.5 or higher
8. Can be renewable for multiple years for students who meet qualifications.
9. California and non-California residents/US Citizens and non-citizens. Preference
given to students in the Nutrition and Food Science programs.
10. Administered through the Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture and the Financial Aid
11. Disbursed annually based on available fund balance and institutional and/or student

Open to International Students

Ag - Food & Nutrition, Open to International Students