FA&S- CSU Systemwide - Glenn and Dorothy Dumke Fellowship

The fellowship was established in memory of Dr. Glenn S. Dumke, Chancellor of the California State University from 1962 to 1982. Under his visionary leadership, the university system made great progress in the breadth and quality of academic programs. He is credited with organizing 16 separate academic programs into a single system that became a model across the nation. Born in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 1917, he received his B.A. and M.A. degrees at Occidental College and his Ph.D. at UCLA and began his 42-year career in higher education as an instructor of history at Occidental College.

The purpose of this fellowship is to encourage student scholars to engage in graduate work in fields such as public policy, American history, economics, archival management and government. Preference will be given to projects that involve research about the state of California. The selected scholar is expected to pursue research projects within special CSU library/archival collections.


  • Must be in good standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Must be a CSU graduate student in the areas of public policy, American history, economics, library science, archival management, or government during the academic year
  • Must use the award to pursue research projects within the Dumke Collection or other collections housed within the CSU archives at CSU Dominguez Hills, the Center for California Studies at CSU Sacramento, or other special collections within the CSU system. Information about the CSU Special Collections can be found here and here
  • At least 1 letter from a CSU Faculty member is needed if selected as a finalist
  • Answer the Personal statement questions detailing the following: (300 word max count for each):
    1. What is your interest in American history and/or California history; politics and economics of California; or similar areas of California studies?
    2. Do you have any prior work in public policy, American history, economics, library science, archival management, or government? How does this work relate to the state of California?
    3. What is your anticipated focus of the research project? Clearly define a plan of study.

This scholarship opportunity involves a nomination process. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will forward selected nominees to the CSU Foundation. The CSU Foundation will make the final determination regarding chosen recipients. If selected as a final nominee, the CSU Foundation will request a letter of recommendation from a CSU faculty member. Please be sure to check your CPP email for follow up requirements.

To begin the application process, please complete the General Application first, then proceed to search Glenn and Dorothy Dumke Fellowship in the “Opportunities >> Ours” tab and click on APPLY.

CSU Foundation, Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. 1. What is your interest in American history and/or California history; politics and economics of California; or similar areas of California studies?
  2. 2. Do you have any prior work in public policy, American history, economics, library science, archival management, or government and how it relates to the State of California?
  3. 3. What is your anticipated focus of the research project? Clearly defined a plan of study.