California State University Porgram for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)
The California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB) was created in 1987 by Chancellor Reynolds to provide a coordinated and amplified development of biotechnology and related research, research training, and education within the CSU; to foster competitiveness on both the state and national levels; to facilitate the training of a sufficient number of bioscience technicians and scientists; to catalyze technology transfer and enhance intellectual property protection; to facilitate the acquisition and long-term maintenance of the state-of-the-art biotechnology resource facilities; and to promote the development of industry-focused training programs.
It is a multi-campus coordination program designed to catalyzed interdisciplinary, inter-campus, synergistic endeavors between Chemistry and Biology departments on all campuses and between faculty from a number of allied academic and research units such as bioengineering, agricultural biotechnology, environmental and natural resources, molecular ecology, and marine biotechnology.